Sharia Insurance
Asuransi Astra Syariah unit was established on March 16, 2005. The move is a strategy to expand business scale and fulfill customers’ ever increasingly diverse needs. Customers of Asuransi Astra Syariah consist of various segments ranging from banks to financing companies. The products offered were identical to conventional insurance, however the way the funds is managed are different. Carrying the motto of comforting, fair, and beneficial, Asuransi Astra Syariah comes as a comprehensive solution to protect the assets of commercial (including health insurance, fire insurance, marine cargo insurance, marine hull insurance, motor vehicle insurance, and heavy equipment insurance) and retail products’ customers (Garda Oto).
About Sharia Insurance
Sharia Insurance is an attempt to help each other (ta’awuni) and protect (takafuli) among participants through a collection of funds (tabarru’) that is managed in accordance with sharia principles to face certain risks. In accordance with sharia principles, sharia insurance must not include elements of:
- Gharar (uncertainty or unclarity),
- Maysir (gambling),
- Zulmu (abuse),
- Riswah (bribery),
- Illicit goods and immoral.
Further explanation on principles of sharia insurance can be found here.
Whatever your insurance need is, Asuransi Astra is ready to give you peace of mind.