Asuransi Mobil Garda Oto
Logo Garda Oto - Asuransi Mobil Terbaik dari Asuransi Astra

Asuransi Astra’s flagship product that provides comprehensive protection for your car.

Easy Claiming via Various Channel

Emergency Assistance Service

Garda Siaga - Layanan darurat kendaraan bermotor dari Asuransi Astra - Emergency Roadside Assistance
Logo Garda Siaga - Layanan darurat kendaraan bermotor dari Asuransi Astra - Emergency Roadside Assistance - Emergency Medical Assistance

Specifically designed to handle emergency situations, Garda Siaga provides Emergency Roadside Assistance (ERA) services with towing and carrying units and Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA) with ambulance units.

24-Hour Contact Center



At Garda Akses, you can find out about product information, closing application, insurance policy renewal service, claim report service, and emergency assistance service 24/7.

Operator Call Center 24 Jam - Garda Akses

Workshop Warranty & Genuine Spare parts

Garansi bengkel dan suku cadang asli

To ensure the quality of our repair service, we are using genuine and quality spare parts, and provide six months warranty for any paintwork. We have more than 500 workshop partners nationwide to help us give you peace of mind.

Logo Garda Oto - Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor Terbaik dari Asuransi Astra

Enjoy a variety of premium services that make us the most-admired vehicle insurance in Indonesia.

Protection Type

Asuransi Mobil Garda Oto


Covers the risks for partial loss/damage and total loss caused by all risks not excluded in the policy.

Asuransi Mobil Garda Oto

 Total Loss Only

Covers the risks caused by theft and damage if the repair cost is equal to or exceed 75% from the vehicle price immediately prior to the loss.

Claim Procedure

Logo Mitra Garda Oto - Mitra Asuransi Garda Oto -

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